Gymnastics Helps Greatly Kids with Special Needs


Gymnastics Helps Kids with Special Needs

Gymnastics is of a great benefit for kids and even greater for kids with special needs. Gymnastics helps with their speech and motor skills by working their core, confidence and self-esteem. Gymnastics unlike other sports embraces broader developmental skills that include cognition and motor skill development gross and fine motor skills and also social skills.

In gymnastics the brain is constantly working in connection with the body and by following instructions and positive reinforcement the child faces and develops problem solving and social integration which could only bring great benefit for their development and growth.

Kids feel the sensation of success after achieving a new skill, which brings smiles, high fives and above all boosts their confidence immensely!

Expert gymnastics coaches provide structure and consistency as opposed to rigidity, which lessens to a high degree anxiety. Some other strategies used is communicating through touch, sound, imaginative play or showing by example. Generally coaches need to adapt and keep going with trial and error until they find what it works for every child.

A research conducted by Scope researcher Dr. Rob Campaign in Victoria reveals “ that gymnastics is of enormous benefit for the cognitive, physical and social development for people with disability. 100% of the parents surveyed recognised the benefits in their children”

At Able Clothing we love smiles and happy kids. Gymnastics could be for you give it a trial!

Some organizations in Australia already incorporating this special program are:





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